Our Team

Patrick Moore

Director/Principal Physiotherapist


  • B.Sc (Exercise Science). Uni of Wollongong, 2004
  • Master of Physiotherapy. Uni of Sydney, 2006


  • Worked in the local health network at various hospitals for 2 years, and then in the UK for 2 years. Gained experience across a wide range of physiotherapy disciplines such as orthopaedics, neurological rehabilitation, and cardiorespiratory.
  • Commenced at Gerringong Physiotherapy in 2010 and became a director in 2016

Professional development

  • Musculoskeletal dry needling: APA
  • Explain pain: NOI group
  • Introduction to vestibular rehab in adults of all ages: APA
  • The Temporomandibular joint: A physiotherapists perspective: APA
  • The complete and advanced lumbar spine and pelvis: APA
  • The advanced upper cervical spine and head: APA
  • Integrated solutions for head and neck pain. APA

What I enjoy most about being a physiotherapist

  • Empowering people to take control of their physical health and lead a healthy, active lifestyle
  • Guiding people towards their sporting and lifestyle goals with a mix of manual treatments, exercise and education.
  • Clinical interests: Neck and back pain. Headaches, TMJ and vestibular physiotherapy.

Outside work

  • Spending time with my family, keeping active on the mountain bike, in the water, and attempting to play golf
Belinda Henry

Director/Principal Physiotherapist


While studying physiotherapy in the early 90’s my interest in Pelvic Health began. I did my elective clinical in women’s health at the Royal Women’s in Sydney. Once I completed my degree I worked in London in the post natal wards, ran aqua-natal classes and worked on the Breast Cancer ward at the Royal Marsden.

When I came home from London in 2000, I worked in a leading clinic in Bondi Junction. At this time I developed my musculoskeletal skills while working alongside some pioneering Women’s Health Physiotherapists. Soon after, the south coast beckoned and I started working at Gerringong Physiotherapy.

After the birth of my first child I truly understood the importance of the pelvic floor and pelvis. I returned to university to complete my Post Grad Certificate in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and have continued to learn through courses, podcasts and webinars since. I have now been working exclusively in Pelvic Health for 13 years and am passionate about providing caring and quality care to the people of the south coast.

Clinical interests

All things Pelvic Health


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy). University of Sydney, 1996
  • Postgrad Cert in Physiotherapy (Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy). University of Melbourne, 2007

Ongoing Professional Development

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain  – Genitourinary and Anorectal Pain Disorders –  Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • Pelvic floor relationship to Exercise, Sport and Musculoskeletal Dysfunction –  Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse  – Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • Objective Testing Course – WHTA
  • Advanced pessary  & Gellhorn workshop with Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • OAB – WHTA
  • Predictive Pelvic Floor – WHTA
  • Return to Sport/Safe Exercises for PF
  • Nocturia – WHTA
  • Anorectal Pelvic Floor Symposium – WHTA
  • Chronic Pelvic and Perineal Pain: The Clinicians’ Perspective – RHW
  • Male Pelvic Floor Workshop – Newcastle University
  • Paediatric Continence Care – ICCS
  • 2019 Bi Annual Pelvic Floor Research Update – Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • Musculosketetal Segmental and Dry Needling – APA
  • Advanced Management of Pregnancy and Post-Partum Issues  – Michelle Lyons
  • Births Bumps and Beyond, RHW
  • Kids Bladder Day, Children’s Hospital
  • Exercise and Pelvic Floor Workshop, PFF
  • Muscle Energy Technique of Pelvis and Lsp – Barb Hungerford
  • Continence Foundation of Aust Conference 2018
  • Explain Pain – Noi Group
Clare Fitzgerald


  • Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science) – University of Wollongong, 2007,
  • Graduate Entry Masters Physiotherapy – Curtin University 2010
  • Undertaking Master of Clinical Physiotherapy (Continence and Women’s Health)

Ongoing Professional Development 

  • WHTA 5 Day Women’s Health Course

What you like about being a Physiotherapist, why you do what you do? 

I love working with people from all walks of life to get them back to doing the things that they love to do. I have a passion for helping people to move, be fit and healthy and get the most out of life.

Clinical Interests

  • Pelvic Health
  • Neurological conditions
  • Vestibular and Cardiorespiratory


  • Mountain Biking,
  • Snowboarding
  • The beach
  • Hanging out with my family
Peter Sharp


  • Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (UNSW)
  • Doctor of Physiotherapy (Mac Uni)
  • Previously a Level 2 Athletics Australia running coach


Pete spent over a decade at a private practice in Sydney and recently escaped the big smoke to the South Coast. He also did various placements in spinal cord injury rehab and orthopaedics.

He is an experienced runner, although never quite runs or rides as much as he’d like these days! In the past, he completed various long-ish races around the world including the Six Foot Track Marathon, Ultra Trail Australia 50km and Tromso Skyrace (Norway). He has also dabbled in triathlon and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Outside of work, you’ll find him spending time with his wife and child, as well as trying to grow more vegetables than he can eat in his veggie garden with varying degrees of success.

Clinical Interests:

  • Running and endurance sports
  • Vertigo and vestibular issues
  • Dry needling
Eric Mete


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy), University of Sydney 2011


Originally from Kiama, Eric moved to Sydney to study physiotherapy. After graduating, he gained experience working in the busy hospital wards of Sydney. This honed his skills across many disciplines of the profession including neurological, orthopaedics and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy. He continued working in private physiotherapy clinics for over eight years in Sydney before deciding to return home with our team.

Eric is enthusiastic about empowering his patients to achieve all their desired treatment goals and get them back doing the things they love. He is dedicated to maintaining evidence-based treatments to improve recovery timeframes for his patients. He has a special interest in shoulders, neck and lower back pain.

He has had vast experience in participating in various team and individual sports (and has had his fair share of injuries!), so he understands what it feels like to be on the other side of the table. In his spare time, Eric enjoys staying active playing tennis, golf and going bushwalking.

Professional Development:

  • Australian Physiotherapy Association Elbow, Wrist and Hand Course
  • Annual Orthopaedic Updates, Orthosports
  • Dry Needling Plus, Clinical Edge
Headshot of Bec Collins, physiotherapist
Bec Collins


  • B. App Sci (Physiotherapy) from USyd, graduating 2005


Nearly 20 years into her career as a physio, Bec still gets a buzz out of working with patients to achieve their goals from elite sporting achievements to basic functional activities of daily living, empowering clients to become the best versions of themselves they can be.
A busy mum and keen runner and hockey player, Bec feels very lucky to call the South Coast home after growing up in Wollongong.
Bec has worked in both the public hospital system and private practice during her career which has spanned a range of clinical areas with an ongoing focus on movement as medicine.
Professional Development:
  • 3rd Age Woman – Burrell Education
  • PD Warrior
  • Running Repairs with Tom Goon
  • LJ Lee 3 day thoracic ring approach course
  • Level 1 Muscle energy – Barb Hungerford
  • Integrated Dry needling – Andrew Hutton
  • Mulligan UL and LL
  • NOI – mobilization of the neuroimmune system
  • APA Sports level 1 and 2
  • APA Spinal level 1 and 2
Vanea Atwood


  • Grad. Dip. Cert. Phty. UK 1979


I have been a treating physiotherapist for over 30 years and have extensive experience in the treatment of musculoskeletal spinal disorders and have specific clinical interest in Women’s Pelvic Health, including pre- post-natal care for women. I offer advanced assessment of pelvic floor disorders, pelvic pain, pre- postnatal assessment, treatment and care through pregnancy to a full recovery after birth.

Professional Development

  • Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse – Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • Objective Testing Course – WHTA
  • Advanced pessary workshop with Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • OAB – WHTA
  • Polestar Pilates Studio & Rehabilitation certification 2006
  • Clinical Pilates Level I- IV 2010 DMA Clinical Pilates
  • Predictive Pelvic Floor – WHTA
  • Return to Sport/Safe Exercises for PF WHTA
  • Nocturia – WHTA
  • Pelvic floor relationship to Exercise, Sport and Musculoskeletal Dysfunction – Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • APA Level 1 Women’s Health Through Life stages 2021
  • APA Level 1 Women’s Pelvic health 2022
  • 2019 Bi Annual Pelvic Floor Research Update – Taryn Hallam WHTA
  • 2020 Bi Annual Research Update (The child bearing year)WHTA

I am passionate about combining my Women’s Pelvic health knowledge with my Pilates experience; with its foundations in spinal alignment and movement integration; to form the base of my approach to women and their Pelvic rehab journey.

I am available on Thursdays at our Gerringong practice.

Helen Grant


  • BSc Physiotherapy – University of Brighton, UK (2013)
  • Postgraduate Certificate Rehabilitation Studies: Women’s Health – University of Bradford, UK (2022)


From the South Coast in the UK, to the South Coast of New South Wales, I am lucky enough to call Gerringong my home. After qualifying from university in the UK, I worked for the National Health Service in the busy hospital wards and outpatient clinic setting. It is here where I really developed my clinical interest in musculoskeletal injuries and ongoing management. I continued to work for the NHS for 10 years, and later in the private hospital setting, before relocating with my family to Australia. 

After the birth of my two children, I experienced first hand, both the emotional and physical aspects of becoming a parent. This inspired me to further develop my expertise and specialize within Pelvic Health, working with pre and post natal care and continence management. This led to subsequent enrollment in my Post Graduate Certificate at Bradford University, which accredited me to become a full member of The Pelvic Obstetric Gynaecology Physiotherapy. I am excited to continue developing my career with ongoing enrollment of courses and continued reading. 

I am passionate about helping restore my patients confidence and enjoyment in everyday life; whether that be to continue with normal daily activities, or returning to sports and achieving  their personal goals. 

My sporting background includes gymnastics and martial arts, however, these days I enjoy running, Pilates and yoga. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and children, particularly being active outdoors and exploring the local environment.

Harold Chow


  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (University of Canberra)


Originally from Hong Kong, Harold moved to Canberra after high school to study physiotherapy at the University of Canberra.

Growing up, Harold has gained experience in a variety of sports, from playing rugby at his high school rugby team, to competing at the World Championship in powerlifting. However, with the fair share of injuries that he accumulated throughout his sporting career, combined with his passion for helping others, this has driven Harold to pursuit a career in physiotherapy.

Currently, Harold is an active competitor (and occasionally medals) in various martial arts, such as MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling and kickboxing. Outside of work, you’ll find Harold training at the local martial art gym, playing with his guinea pigs, as well as relaxing at the amazing beaches that the South Coast has to offer!